Data Solutions

For organizations large and small, data about your customers, operations, and organization is one of your most valuable assets. But for many organizations data is also one of the most problematic areas. Globus offers a range of services designed to help you get the most value out of your data while helping make it secure and affordable.

Making Data Available

Data is often contained in silos created by different tools and applications and isn’t easily shared across functions in the organization. Globus can work with you to design and implement solutions that liberate this data into common repositories without going through the time and expense involved with creating traditional data warehouses. If your strategy involves moving to new ERP or CRM systems, Globus can assist with making existing data ready for use in these systems and easing the transition process.

Making Data Consistent

There are a wide range of powerful data analytics tools available today, but the usefulness of these tools can be compromised when the data under analysis is inconsistent because of differences in the source systems, or when inaccuracies in the data arise. Globus can work with your organization to find the root cause of variances and provide solutions to address the issues and make your data "analytics-ready". Globus can also assist with the selection and implementation of various business intelligence solutions.

Making Data Secure

Not only is your data valuable for your operations, it also is an attractive target to bad actors, both external and internal. Data loss and misuse can severely damage organizations operationally and severely damage your reputation. In conjunction with Globus’ Cyber-security experts, we can assess your current data security practices and recommend and implement best practices to avoid costly incidents.

Making data affordable

It is no secret that data volumes are growing extremely rapidly, making the storage of newly generated and historic data increasingly costly. There many cloud-based, on-demand storage solutions available that can substantially reduce storage costs while increasing authorized action. Globus can help evaluate the various alternatives and implement and help manage the solution, including hybrid solutions that combine critical on-premises storage with scalable cloud environments.